7 Tips for Cleaning Your Car

chemical resistant spray bottle

You can be classified under three types of car owners. One is that you are an incredibly messy owner that is desperate to get rid of all the clutter that has collected up inside and need a good outer shine on the car?s exterior. The other is that you are an obsessive-compulsive clean ninja who is borderline neurotic when it comes to car cleanliness. 

You just cannot be satisfied no matter how much you clean it, ?the car can be cleaner?, just keeps popping off in your head (no offense!). If you are the rare type that somewhere in-between these two and you are just looking for a way to keep your car?s interior and exterior presentable and pleasant, keep on reading! Here are 7 tips on how you can keep your car clean: 

  1. Correct Suds?

Use the right suds to wash the exterior of your vehicle. The dishwashing liquid you have at home might be great at removing grease, dirt and cleaning the car, but it also absorbs the vital oils out of the paint finish. Continually using one could result in a shorter lifespan for your paint job. opt for using a cleaner designed specifically to clean cars and keep your finish safe. Afterwards you could add a chemical resistant spray bottle for extra care and more protection.?

  1. Polish Away?

Polishing does not mean waxing. Polish the finish of your car to remove tiny scratches and markings. This will make your finish shine! Waxing adds on more of the gloss element and provides extra protection from the vehicle?s surroundings. 

  1. Take Out the Trash?

Clear out all the clutter in the car. Make sure to check every corner for any candy wrappers and tiny objects as the vacuum cleaner is unable to suck up those items. 

  1. Clean Floor Mats?

Remove the floor mats from the car and give them a thorough shake. Afterwards, vacuum away all the dust, wash and use a carpet cleaner. Once the mats have dried up you can place them back into the car. 

  1. Vacuum Car Seats?

Use your vacuum to suck up all the dirt and dust particles from the car seats and the floors of the vehicle. You can start with the backseat, move on into the front seat and finally finish up on the cleaning the floors. 

  1. Clean Up Windows?

Wash and clean the interior and exterior of the windows. Spray a window cleaner and wipe it with a microfiber cloth. For DIY home mixture, you can mix up a cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a cup of rubbing alcohol, your windows will be spotless. 

  1. Get Rid of Stains?

You can remove all the stains on the car seats using your own homemade solution. Just mix 2 cups of water, a tablespoon of dish soap and a cup of vinegar into a spray bottle, leave for fifteen minutes and watch the magic unfold. Stainless car seats await you! 

Make your car look new, clean and shiny by using these tips. 

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