4 Ways to Create Awesome Live Videos for Social Platforms

    live videos for social platforms

    Live videos are low effort videos which help keep your audience engaged. These videos can be shot anywhere and do not take much time. If you have already been using live videos for your platform, here are a few tips to help enhance their performance:

    1. Plan it out

    When you have a rough draft of what you want to do or want to say, then you do not fumble your way through the video. With a rough outline, there is still some room for spontaneity, but there is still some structure to it.

    2. Don?t say no to gear

    Live videos are easy to film because they do not require much effort. However, buying some gear to stabilise your phone, or so that the audio of your video is better, will not go amiss. A live video will not be compelling if people cannot focus on the screen or hear what you are saying. Hence it may be worthwhile to look into these low effort tools.

    3. Lighting and Background

    As with any video, the lighting and background of your live video are essential. It only takes a few seconds to ensure that your room is adequately lit and that your background is appealing rather than messy. However, these small steps can have a significant impact on the number of viewers you get.

    4. Engage with the audience

    To keep your live videos entertaining, engage with your audience. Live videos are an excellent way for you to form a connection with your audience and keep them interested in you and your brand.

    Marketing Sweets can help you learn more about growing your brand online. Click here to visit their website and learn what they have to offer to you. The team can help you create live videos that will ensure that you have a live presence over social platforms.

    Facebook and Google Adwords- Making the Connection Better

    When you look into marketing across different platforms, it is a common error to look at them as separate entities. Each marketing platforms offers you specific advantages over the other; hence, it only makes sense that you take advantage of each platform. So, why should you only opt for one of them when you could use them in conjunction?

    Here?s how you can draw a solid link between Facebook and Google Adwords in your marketing endeavour.

    Incite brand searches on Google with the help of Facebook Ads

    With the help of a compelling Facebook ad campaign, you can convert old audiences. But that is not all; it can also help you incite more searches for your brand on Google. It has been found that most users who view a Facebook ad they are somewhat interested in, go on to Google to search the brand. The explanation for this is simple; if they are interested in the ad, they will want to learn more about your company and search for your brand on Google.

    Catchy Headline

    An effective Facebook ad is one which has a catchy headline. Most people will search a headline on Google rather than a brand name, simply because the headline is more memorable. Hence, you have to be careful about what headline you use for your campaign.

    Re-target your audience

    When you are managing two ad campaigns across two platforms, you will know how crucial it is to re-target your audience. Cross-platform re-targeting can be beneficial. Re-target is not just about displaying the same ad to a person, but rather showing up on their feed across different platforms. With a Facebook ad campaign, re-targeting is made easier.

    Online marketing is not easy; there are nuances to it which can take you years to perfect. To get the help that you need to strengthen your marketing strategies, you can visit website of Marketing Sweets.

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